Every good explorer draws a map as he or she explores unknown territory. Your map of the mazes of the pyramid of RA is drawn for you automatically, if you are moving slowly enough.
At speeds of 5 or less, the places where you actually walk are added to the map as you go. (The "Map Route" entry in the "Speed" menu selects a speed of 5.) If you are moving any faster than that, you simply don't have time to map!
At speeds of 3 or less, the corridors you look down are also added to the map, even if you don't walk down them. (This happens only if you actually turn and face down the corridor, by using a solid arrow key. The hollow arrow keys, for "Peeking", take no game time, and so those keys don't give you time to map.) The "Map Everything" entry in the "Speed" menu selects a speed of 3.
If you are moving faster than 3 but no faster than 5, the "Add to Map" command under the Map menu will add the corridor you're looking at to the map, at a small cost in time.